Irish Penal Reform Trust

IPRT in the News

Medical Independent: Lights out on prison healthcare

10th June 2010

"With a rapidly-growing prison population, dwindling resources and dangerous, stressful conditions, doctors working in our prisons are firefighting in terms of inmate healthcare," writes Ailbhe Jordan.

Irish Examiner: Prison drug use to be studied

2nd June 2010

A study on drug use in prison and the possible need for needle exchanges in jails will begin this autumn.

TV3 MidWeek: Conditions in Mountjoy Prison

26th May 2010

Colette Fitzpatrick talks to John Lonergan, Paul Mckay and Liam Herrick about the conditions in Mountjoy Prison.

Irish Examiner: Calls for better services to stop convicts reoffending

26th May 2010

The launch of IPRT's Report on Reintegration of Prisoners in Ireland covered in the Irish Examiner.

Irish Times: 60% of prisoners likely to reoffend, says report

25th May 2010

IPRT highlights the need for a greater commitment to the reintegration of prisoners.

RTÉ News at One: Concern over numbers of reoffenders

25th May 2010

RTÉ reporter Caitríona Perry interviewed the speakers at the launch of the IPRT report '"It's like stepping on a landmine..." - Reintegration of Prisoners in Ireland'. In the news item, a former prisoner articulated the difficulties faced in reintegrating into society after release.

The Sunday Times: Jail upgrades spark doubts over ‘super-prison’

23rd May 2010

Existing prisons are being extended as Thornton Hall becomes a 'long-term' objective, and calls for spent convictions legislation.

Mountjoy Under Spotlight at Justice Committee Meeting

21st May 2010

Former Mountjoy Visiting Committee member, Paul Mckay, appeared yesterday before the Justice Committee to express his concern at the conditions in the prison.

Irish Times: Parents behind bars

18th May 2010

As Ireland’s prison population grows, more children are having to cope with the stigma and loneliness of a parent in jail, writes Sheila Wayman in 'The Irish Times'.

Today FM: What does imprisonment for life actually mean?

11th May 2010

Should life sentences for homicide run concurrently or consecutively? Liam Herrick of IPRT and Joan Deane of AdVIC talked to Today FM's Matt Cooper about sentencing in homicide cases.

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